ZuKAS LØiNing @zukasloining, 15 år, født i Australia, med norsk mor. Nå plukket ut til å surfe for Norge i junior-VM. Vi hørte ryktene og måtte bare ta en prat med kidden fra down under med høye airs og langt solbleika saltvannshår på CV-en.

Først, fortell litt om deg selv Zukas
Hei, I am going to answer in English even though I understand Norwegian, but I stumble with my Norwegian words a bit.
I’m a 15 year old grommet. I live on the Gold Coast with my mum and sister around the corner from Snapper Rocks, D-Bar, and Kirra, which are some of the worlds best surfing spots.
I’m born in Australia, my Mum is Norwegian. I’ve been to Norway quite a few times and spent weeks there.
I started surfing and skating when I was probably 5 years old. I did more skating while I was a mini grom, I was always at the skateparks learning new tricks.
As my limbs grew longer and I could finally paddle onto my own waves, surfing became my passion. A couple of brands picked me up from a young age from just seeing me out surfing, FKUnlimited, Liive, OBfive, SurfboardEmpire and Pyzel Surfboards…. I was stoked!!
My day to day
I surf pretty much every day, go to school and surf again after school. If the surf is pumping and I’m up to date with school work, my mum lets me just surf and do some school work at home, which is really cool.
On the weekends I surf with my friends and sometimes we go skating if surf is not that good. Or spear fishing, fishing, or just hang out in my shed with heaps of friends. Life is pretty good!

Så du skal delta i junior VM. Hvordan skjedde det?
From memory Shannon who is a surf coach in Norway, I think followed me on IG and asked me last year if I would consider taking part in VM, International Surfing Association Junior. I was keen, I thought that was super cool, but did not really think to much about it because Covid had stranded the whole world into lockdown.
Then beginning of 2022 things were loosening up more and Shannon approached me again and asked if i still wanted in?. I said I was in, and so I got in!.
Litt om opplegget i VM
I actually have very little idea yet of the whole set up. I’m just so stoked to be asked by Shannon, who seems a really cool guy who has a lot of knowledge for surfing. I also think it’s really cool to be Surfing for Norway. Especially since I have always lived in Australia, and so surfing for Norway will contribute an even more binding for me to Norway.
Who knows what the future will bring after this event.

The best times is when your mates are out with you
Kjenner du til surfnorge?
Yes, I have followed you guys for ages on IG and actually always hoped one day you would follow me back! Ha ha!!
Dine forbilder i surf er?
Ethan Ewing, Dane Reynolds and JJF
Råeste surfeopplevelse
I can’t quite think of a particular time as such, I have had so many brilliant surfs were there has been epic barrels and just getting a few of them through the Gold Coast frothing energy of the crowds is a challenge in its self, everyone wants to get in one of those barrels.
When you get a good barrel your just riding in it for an average of 8-10 seconds, stand tall in some, you can hear some of the people in the crowds yewing at you, thats pretty cool.
Some sick times too , is when you get a certain wall on the face of the wave or even certain wind directions and you pop the airs, always trying to get higher and trying new tricks.
The best times is when your mates are out with you or sometimes you see cool guys like Dean Morrison, Joel Parko, or even others from overseas on the WSL shredding and you feel even more fired up to just surf your best you can.
I’ve had some bad accidents too in the surf, heaps! The worst one being a couple of years ago where a guy came of his board as his wave doubled up. I was coming up from a duckdive, the guy was flying toward me 20miles an hour, his knee went straight into the side of my face smashing up my temple and cheek bone. I had to go into the operation theatre for a two hour operation to my face.
D-Bar, Snapper and Froggies when it’s on.
Til slutt, våtdrakt eller boardshorts?

Co-redaktør i SurfNorge siden 2012. Født og oppvokst på Nøtterøy utenfor Tønsberg hvor sidelengs var normalen på fjølene. La sin elsk på surf i Sydney Australia med Dee Why og Manly beach som sin homespot. Tiden i vannet nå brukes på Saltstein i Larvik.